Dorit Ron, PhD
Signal Transduction, Molecular Neurobiology of Addiction
We use molecular biology, biochemistry and electrophysiology, in parallel with behavioral models, to study how normal signaling processes are altered upon exposure of rodents to alcohol and drugs of abuse, and how these changes lead to the development, maintenance or the prevention of addiction.
Current Projects
- Identifying the function of the growth factors BDNF, GDNF and IGF1 in the CNS and in alcohol abuse disorders.
- Determining the role of the mTor in aberrant synaptic plasticity induced by drugs of abuse.
- Identifying the role of tyrosine kinases and phosphatases in alcohol abuse disorders.
- Determining the role of the NMDA receptor in alcohol-mediated plasticity in the dorsal striatum.
- Exploring the role of scaffolding proteins in the CNS and in alcohol abuse disorders.
- Epigenetic mechanisms and addiction.
- Identifying the role of HSP90 in alcohol abuse disorders.
Lab Members
Nadege Morrisot
Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Sophie Laguesse
Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Samuel Sakhai
Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Anna Fiorenza
Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Benjamin Dorn
Neuroscience Graduate Student
[email protected]
Khanhky Phamluong
Staff Research Associate
[email protected]
Ji Hwan Yu
[email protected]
Caitlin Castagnola
[email protected]
Dana Kennedy
[email protected]
Lab Website
Academic community service and committee membership:
PSPG Committee for Student Welfare