
Jeff Lansman, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

Biophysics of Mechanosensation

Jon Levine, MD, PhD

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Signal Transduction and Second Messenger Signaling in Pain Sensory Neurons; CNS Pain Control Mechanisms; Neural-Endocrine Control of Inflammation

Our laboratory employs a multidisciplinary approach of molecular, biochemical, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiological and behavioral techniques to evaluate mechanisms underlying pain and analgesia.

Qili Liu, PhD

Assistant Professor


Devanand Manoli, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Understanding social attachment: Molecular and genetic approaches to study the neural basis of social attachment throughout development and in disease

Elyssa Margolis, PhD

Associate Professor

Behavior is energized by motivations and shaped by either positive (rewarding) or negative 

Daniel Minor, PhD

Cardiovascular Research Institute

Structural and Mechanistic Studies of Ion Channels and Ion Channel Regulation

Anna Victoria Molofsky, MD, PhD

Associate Professor

Looking beyond the neuron: neuroimmune communication, glia, and the extracellular space in brain development and function

Lennart Mucke, MD


Neurobiology of Diseases Affecting Cognitive Function

Areas of investigation
We study processes that result in memory loss and other major neurological deficits, with an emphasis on Alzheimer's disease and related neurodegenerative disorders. Our long-term goal is to advance the understanding of the healthy and the diseased central nervous system to a point where rational strategies can be developed for the prevention and cure of these conditions. 

Ken Nakamura, MD, PhD


Mitochondrial and Metabolic Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Diseases

Alexandra Nelson, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor

The cellular and circuit mechanisms of movement disorders

Roger Nicoll, MD

Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Synaptic Plasticity

Tomasz Nowakowski, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research Description

Research in the lab focuses on mapping and functionally interrogating molecular and cellular networks in the developing and adult brain. We are taking a multi-disciplinary approach, including molecular genetics, functional genomics, single cell genomics, cell biology, to gain a mechanistic understanding of cell fate specification, intercellular interactions, and higher order phenotypes in the human brain and its models.

Current Projects
